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Hypoallergenic, gold filled, gold what?

There's been an increase in negative comments and criticism from people. So much so that I've considered quitting making jewelry altogether if I can't make jewelry that "is for sensitive skin." It's really stressed me out and been a struggle, so I made this page to hopefully relieve that tension on both sides. As I did more research on my customers, I realized that most of these comments came from customer misinformation and ignorance, rather than people pursuing fine jewelry (luxury brands, metalsmithing).

Myth: Hypoallergenic
Hypoallergenic can mean whatever you want it to mean. There is no regulation, scientific evidence, or tests done on metal to determine your jewelry is 'safer than other metals.' It is purely a marketing term, similar to 'organic' food, vs. 'USDA organic.' Source: US Government FDA: Hypoallergenic claims.

I didn't feel comfortable using that term to describe my jewelry, because I felt that 'hypoallergenic' was fradulent, and misleading advertising at best. I also have a history of severe allergies (anaphylaxis), so of course, I take others' allergies seriously too. 

If you have a mild metal allergy, I recommend adding this upgrade to your cart - I can make half of my designs in 14k gold-filled, or at least change the part that will be close to your skin. 

If you aren't sure what kind of metal allergy you have. Symptoms can vary from a mild rash to itching, to blisters in severe cases. You may also experience reactions from household items such as zippers, coins, and door keys. Please confirm your allergies with your doctor before purchasing jewelry.

Now that we've covered that! Let's get back to my jewelry :)

Types of gold jewelry

Gold plated vs gold filled, solid gold, gold jewelry differences
*Vermeil can legally only be plated over sterling silver. Sources:
US Government: Federal Trade Commission Guidelines
List of FTC guidelines for commonly misused or incorrectly labelled jewelry items, from Fire Mountain Gems.

14k gold-filled stamp of quality
14k Gold filled stamp of quality on earring studs

14k Gold filled stamp of quality on earring threaders and hooks.

Quote source and more information on gold casting from Halstead beads here.

If you're ever wondering what's the base metal on something, just ask, "is this gold-plated? What's the level of gold-filled?" Gold-filled comes in a range from 10k - 20k. If something seems suspiciously cheap, it probably isn't gold-filled.

Jewelry making: Gold-plated vs. Gold-filled
Gold plated vs gold filled designs and differences in handmade jewelry making.

My metal supplies are from Japan and Korea; where they're known for amazing quality jewelry. They have specialized production houses, studios, and shops, and I've had the privilege of visiting many of them in person. Their metals are plated over titanium, stainless steel, or brass. These metals are safe for all skin types, unless you are allergic to one of them. Nickel or lead in jewelry production is not commonly used anymore (unless you're buying from, e.g. SHEIN, Forever 21, or similar shops).

Gold-plated offers great jewelry at reasonable prices, really a fraction of what gold-filled or solid gold costs. For me, it's as much about design as it is about cost, because I'm someone who has a hundred ideas at any given time. I enjoy making complicated and unique designs, over simple ones that (imo) anyone can do. So, I prefer working with gold-plated and will continue to do so, because it allows greater flexibility and creative freedom. I might create an exclusive '100% 14k gold-filled' category in the future, but I will update this page if it happens.
2 June 2023 update: I never thought this day would come, but here it is, lol!
Browse 100% 14k gold-filled products

Thank you for reading. Hopefully you found this post and the pictures helpful. As always, if you have additional questions, please reach out on Instagram or email ([email protected]). 

Disclaimer: Dainty District started as one teenager's rebellious dream against the elite 1% of society. I do not claim to be the final authority on gold materials, and certainly not on the same level as metalsmiths. The information above is just an accumulation of my research, experiences across 15 years and 5 countries.