Dainty District | A collection of beautiful, feminine accessories for every day life.
Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Debbie, and Dainty District is a dream I've worked towards since 2005. My family moved a lot for my father's career. Living in 6 different countries (Singapore, South Africa, Japan, Canada, Hong Kong, United States) meant I was exposed to a myriad of colors and cultures from a young age.
My parents enrolled me in a prestigious high school in Hong Kong. Surrounded by wealthy classmates, I didn't feel like I belonged to the same lifestyle. I couldn't afford Louis Vuitton, Chanel, or Gucci handbags; I just had a regular backpack.
Out of rebellion, I taught myself how to make fashion accessories at 15 years old, slowly progressing into handmade jewellery. I believed that people didn't need a million dollars to be beautiful. And I still believe that today. I credit mainstream fashion in East Asia for most of my influence and creative direction. Places where elegance co-exists with edge.
I moved to Seattle for work (as a UX designer, my full time job) and opened my humble shop in 2019! Thanks for joining me on this journey, and I hope you feel beautiful every day.
Where do you get your materials from?
My current supplies are primarily from Japan, USA, and Europe. I make an effort to shop at beads stores (or fashion districts) every time I visit a country. This is what makes every piece so special. There are tiny parts (often between 1mm - 5mm) handpicked from multiple cities around the globe, all to craft your accessory.
How / Where did you learn your skills?
My skills are self-taught. Youtube was very different years ago - it used to run on 240p and filled with homemade prank videos. Trial-and-error was the only method I knew how to make something, and it was costly. Now that I have a much better grasp on my hobby (and what it's called), I learn from Japanese jewellery / accessory books, and the occasional Youtube video. I've also been blessed to win international design competitions, and worked fashion internships in New York City and Singapore, all of which have provided great insight into the global fashion industry.
Do you do men's jewelry?
Not yet.
But it would be a dream to take a metal smithing class. If it's a piece made out of cord or other materials I already have, I could craft it. But men's jewelry tends to be made of silver or hard leather. Those require different tools and its own workspace.